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This comprehensive Cho program offers structured and balanced guidance which encompasses theoretical knowledge, practical training, and experiential immersion.
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A few more words about this course

Join us for a transformative journey into deep practice as we navigate the complexities of life. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the path, this opportunity event is open to all.

These classes will help deepen your awakening journey with optimal focus and clarity.

Comprehensive Training

15 hours of in-depth exploration of Chö Vajrayana with Khandro-la, supplemented by 7.5 hours of practical fieldwork training.

Foundational Insights:

Examine Chö's historical and philosophical roots, with a focus on the Madhyamaka view of self/ego and the practice of "cutting through ego."

Symbolic and Practical Elements

Understand the significance of the body, Chö implements, and Dakini symbolism, alongside hands-on training in rituals, chants, visualizations, and use of traditional instruments like damaru, kangling, and bell.

Transformational Experiences

Engage in retreats and group practices for deep experiential transformations. Learn how to engage in personal Cho retreat.

Lineage Commentary & Transmissions

Receive the commentary & transmissions of the Cho texts according to the Ear-Whispered Lineage

Healing and Growth

Explore healing aspect of Chö in theory and practice. Learn the psychological implications of the ritual and how to integrate it into our lives and the world.

Healing and Growth

Explore healing aspect of Chö in theory and practice. Learn the psychological implications of the ritual and how to integrate it into our lives and the world.


Completion grants DW CHÖ MASTERY TRAINING Certification Level 1.
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Cho Empowerment & Course

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Opening the Door to Sky

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Ancient CHO's Relevance to the Modern World

Watch the recent interview with Khandro-la about
Cho Empowerment and
Cho Immersion Course


# Chö Foundations: The Heart of Chö Volume 1, Chöying Khandro
#Machik’s Great Explanation, Machik Labdron, translated by Sarah Harding 
#Chöd: The Sacred Teachings on Severance Compilied by Jamgon Kongtrul
#The Short Chö Practice (The Seven PE’s)


1. Opening Session (10 mins)
2. Teaching (60 mins)
3. Breakout Session (20 mins)
4. Big Group Sharing (10 mins)
5. Teaching, Transmission & Practice (30 mins)
6. Breakout Session (20 mins)
7. Conclusion & Homework (20 mins)

Course Structure - Overview

Week 1: Foundations of CHO

  • Introduction to CHO practice and its historical context.
  • Overview of the Ear-Whispered Lineage, Nyengyu.
  • Initial empowerment and basic practices.

Week 2: Theoretical Understanding

  • Study of Madhyamaka and Prasangika views.
  • Exploration of Prajnaparamita and the concept of emptiness.
  • Cho Mahamudra
  • Analysis of the nature of the self and ego.

Week 3: Practical Training

  • Detailed instruction on Chö practices, including the White, Manifold, and Red Feasts.
  • Use and significance of Chö implements.
  • Techniques for integrating Chö into daily practice..

Week 4: Experiential Learning

  • Guided meditations and practice sessions. (Cho Tonglen)
  • Direct experiences of cutting through ego. (Cutting Through with PE!)
  • Reflections on personal and collective insights.

Week 5: Psychological Implications & Integration

  • Exploration of the psychological impacts of Chö practice.
  • Strategies for integrating insights into everyday life.
  • Stories and teachings about the Dakini and their role in Chö.


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Why am I interested in Chö initially? Why practicing now this time? Why do you enter the Chö journey? What's your enemy to cut through through Chö practice? What would you like to accomplish by the end of this course?

The Seven PEs

Practice the Seven PEs
Review the recommended Youtube videos
● Overview of Chö: History, lineage, key figures (such as Padampa Sangye and Machik Labdron) and the DW Training Chö Roadmap.
● Chö for gods and demons: Cutting Through our hope and fear, ego-clinging, fixating ordinary views.
● Chö for the degenerate times – swift, effective, and applicable.
● Chö for personal and universal healing and transformation
● Philosophical foundations: Understanding renunciation, compassion, emptiness, and the Dakini principles.
● The unique functions/role of Chö in the framework of Vajrayana practices. In short, what is Chö, why Chö, and how to approach Chö?
● Importance of lineage transmission and guru devotion in Chö practice.


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The Seven PEs

Practice the Seven PEs
Review the recommended Youtube videos
Deep dive into Buddhist philosophy:
● The Second Turning Wheel of Dharma – Madhyamaka (Middle Way) perspective and Prasangika view.
● Great Mother – Prajnaparamita (Middle Way and Chö Foundation).
● The nature of the self and ego in Buddhist philosophy and understanding the concept of "cutting through ego" in Chö practice (white, manifold, and red feasts).
● Chö Mahamudra
● Exploration of the role of the human body in the evolution of Buddhism.
● Understanding the symbolism and significance of Chö implements: The damaru (drum), kangling (thigh bone trumpet), and bell.
● Exploration of the role of the Dakini in Chö practice: symbolism, invocation, and the feminine principles in TibeT


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CHO Dentok Chikma, CHO Single Sitting

Practice the Dentok Chikma
Review the recommended Youtube videos
Ritual and Ceremony: 
  1. The words of Wisdom - Three qualities: "To become adept at something requires liking it, agility, and the accumulation of training. It is the person with all these three who will certainly realize mastery.
  2. Detailed instruction on Chö practices, including the White, Manifold, and Red Feasts.
  3. Techniques for integrating Chö into daily practice.."Learning traditional Chö rituals, chants, and visualizations.
  4. Meditation techniques specific to Chö: Visualization, mantra recitation, and Mahmudra practices.
  5. Use and significance of Chö implements. Instruction on playing Chö instruments: Instruction on playing the damaru (drum) and kangling (thigh bone trumpet) and their significance in Chö practice.
  6. Conducting Chö ceremonies:  Hands-on experience in leading Chö rituals under the guidance of experienced practitioners. Students share about the personal learning process of a Chö Sadhana, the hints and tips.

Student’s Presentation:Chapter of Wisdom of Emptiness from Vol.1: Cho Foundations


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CHO Dentok Chikma, CHO Single Sitting

Practice the Dentok Chikma
Review the recommended Youtube videos
Retreats and Skills-Mastery:
1. Immersive practice in secluded retreat settings, focusing on deepening personal experience and realization.
2. How to prepare for Retreat:  Environment, altar setting, daily routine.(Five Dakini Retreat, Preliminary to Cho)
3. The Meaning of Ritual
4. Group practice sessions:  Regular gatherings for communal Chö practice, offering mutual support and reinforcement of learning (small group practice the 7 PEs in breakout rooms).
5. Fieldwork and observation: Participation in real-world Chö ceremonies and rituals, observing experienced practitioners in action.6. Five Dakini Retreat


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CHO Dentok Chikma, CHO Single Sitting

Practice the Dentok Chikma
Review the recommended Youtube videos
1. Exploration of the psychological impacts of Chö practice.
2.Mechanisms of Psychological Healing.
3. Navigating the Dichotomy of Subject and Object.
4. Strategies for integrating insights into everyday life.

Chö addresses psychological trauma by facilitating a direct confrontation with and integration of the inner child and symbolic demons through ritualistic practices. The healing mechanism of Chö lies in its ability to transcend the dichotomy between subject and object, promoting ego dissolution and fostering a sense of unified consciousness and interconnectedness.

Choying Khandro

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